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[☩ Forensics ☩]


사용자 삽입 이미지

SMART Linux Multiple versions of Live CDs customized for forensic work
SMART for Linux Integrated acquisition, authentication and analysis in an intuitive GUI
SmartMount  (Windows / Linux / Macintosh) Very flexible image mounting and virtualization engine
Grok-NTFS (Windows / Linux / Macintosh ) NTFS file system analysis tool with data visualization
Grok-LNK (Windows / Linux / Macintosh ) NTFS file system link analysis tool (beta)
SAW (Windows / Linux / Macintosh) Data Acquisition and optimization framework

정보서치하다가 보고 올립니다. Helix와 많이 비교 되는 군요~~

'[☩ Forensics ☩]' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Raptor Forensic CD  (0) 2009.07.03
사설탐정(민간조사원)  (7) 2009.06.11
스위스 ISP와 경찰의 문제  (2) 2009.05.04
Encase EnScript 모음  (0) 2009.04.30