20개 포렌식 서적 목록
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Forensics for Dummies
This book, written by Dr. D P Lyle, is an introductory manual to several different forensics issues and serves as a great starting point for anyone interested in the forensic sciences.
The Forensic Casebook: The Science of Crime Scene Investigation
Written by Ngaire Genge, this book explains in detail how responding officers and investigators handle a crime scene- from the very beginning, to the collection of evidence, the presentation of evidence in court and testimony.
Howdunit Forensics
Written by Dr D P Lyle, Howdunit Forensics presents the development and meaning of forensics, as well as how it works and how it takes a part in helping to solving crimes.
The Crime Scene: How Forensic Science Works
Written by W M Dale and Wendy Becker, this book explains the techniques used in forensic science in terms that are easy to understand as well as the psychological aspects of the crime scene teams.
Crime Scene: From Fingerprints to DNA Testing- An Astonishing Inside Look at the Real World of C.S.I.
This book, written by Larry Ragle, serves a a guide into a forensic investigator’s head to show how they figure out all the aspects of their investigation with the evidence they have.
Dead Reckoning: The New Science of Catching Killers
Written by Michael M Baden, Dead Reckoning is about the procedures medical examiners follow as well as evidence found on the body to determine causes of death.
Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, Third Edition
This textbook offers an introductory look into the forensics field and also includes case studies, real stories and photographs for a better understanding.
Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science
Written by Richard Saferstein, this textbook introduces the reader to the field of forensics through DNA, criminal investigations, techniques, and the abilities of crime labs.
Corpse: Nature, Forensics, and the Struggle to Pinpoint Time of Death
Written by Jessica Snyder Sachs, Corpse decribes the steps it takes to determine when a person died, as well as many other projects and solved crimes relating to the subject matter.
Crime Scene Photography
Written by Edward M Robinson, this book stresses the importance of crime scene photos as well as the general principles, concepts, and strategies of crime scene photography.
The Casebook of Forensic Detection: How Science Solved 100 of the World’s Most Baffling Crimes
Written by Colin Evans, this book details 100 cases, some famous, and what type of forensics were used to solve each one, with a description of history.
Hidden Evidence: Forty True Crimes and How Forensic Science Helped Solve Them
Written by David Owen, Hidden Evidence explores the discovery of forensics and the evolution of technology and technique to tell how 40 real crimes were solved, with pictures included.
Dead Men do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologisy
Written by Dr. William R Maples, who was a forensic anthropologist, this book talks about the evolution of forensics and his experiences in solving some of the most famous cases to date.
Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
Written by Ross M Gardner, this book is a manuel of how to cover crime scenes while also presenting theories and concepts of the crime scene.
Henry Lee’s Crime Scene Handbook
Written by Henry Lee and Timothy Palmbach, and Marilyn T Miller, this book goes into collecting evidence at crimes scenes and how to process it, while keeping it general enough for someone who is introductory to understand.
The Bone Lady: Life as a Forensic Anthropologist
Written by Mary H Manhein, this book tells the life of a forensic anthropologist- her infatuation and desire to learn more about anthropology, and the high- profile cases that she has worked on.
Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner
Written by Michael M Baden, Unnatural Death describes the life this medical examiner and how he uses the bodies to find out everything that happened to them.
The Forensic Science of C.S.I.
Written by Katherine Ramsland, this book offers a look into crime scene coverage, evidence techniques, methods for processing a crime scene and also includes references to help along the way.
Forensics and Fiction: Clever, Intriguing, and Downright Odd Questions from Crime Writers
Written by Dr D P Lyle, this book is fact-filled and informative answering questions such as how long it takes bodies to decompose in certain states and many other informative facts.
Death’s Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab and the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales
Written by Dr William Bass and Jon Jefferson, this explains the process of several types of forensics as well as decomposition and the many cases they have been involved with over the years.